Thursday, October 27, 2011

NYT: Madoffs tried to commit suicide

Might have seen it preferable to die at home than in jail. Some people don't get such a choice.

"More important to both of them than the media firestorm they faced, she said, was that she had become instantly estranged from her two sons, Mark and Andrew, who had turned in their father to law enforcement officials and precipitated his arrest on Dec. 11, 2008. He pleaded guilty three months later and is serving a 150-year sentence at a federal prison in Butner, N.C. "

Just imagine the choice the boys had to make. No child should have to go through that agony. The only question is, were the boys raised by Bernie to know right from wrong, or did they learn it own their own?
One of the sons successfully (!) committed suicide. Bernie's burden.
Ruth Madoff said in an interview that she and Bernard Madoff attempted suicide two weeks after the Ponzi scheme was exposed in 2008.

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